FLasH 2010.03.01. 13:29
Iva fanlistjrl
A Carrotus bolyg veszlyben van, mert a gonosz teknsbka Devan Shell nyuszikat tart rettegsben s elfogja Eva Earlongot, a hercegnjket. A bartja, Jazz, tvltozik egy htkznapi, zld nyuszibl egy szuperhss, aki poros fejktt s egy htizskot hord, s egy hatalmas fegyvert cipel a kezben. Neki meg kell mentenie a hercegnt, de azeltt, vgig kell mennie 36 szinten, amit klnfle ellensgekkel tltttek, mieltt vgl felrobbantja az ikercsatahajkat. s, mintha az nem lenne elg, volna, a vgn ssze kell csaapnia egy risnyllal.
Jazz 3'1 magas, 90 Lbs nehz, a kedvenc tele a Rps Pizza s kedvenc knyve a 'Watership Down'. A mottja: Ha egy kis nyl vagy, fogj egy nagy fegyvert.
A jtkot Epic Megagames ltal 1994-benadtk ki, a szerzk Arjan Brussee (programozs), Clif Bleszinski (terv) s Nick Stadler (karakterek s animci).
1998-ban megjelent a Jazz msodik, javtottabb verzija. A dszlet 3 D s mg szebb, bnuszszintek nincsenek, idzts nincs s azok a titkos szorosok ritkbbak. s Jazz nincs egyedl, az ostoba testvrvel egytt van, aki egy piros nyl, nevn nevezve Spaz, aki rkadt s kiss furcsa. Nos pp a rekordrt Spaz csinl nhny furcsa hangot ahelyett, hogy beszl, s madarakat eszik. Egybknt ebben a trtnetben Jazzt brtnbe zrtk, mert nem volt rtermett hogy megakadlyozza, hogy Devan Shell ellopja Eva rtkes gymntjt az eskvnl. Neki meg kell szknie a brtnbl s le kell gyznie a kirlynt azutn jbl bolygkat kutat t hogy megtallja Devant. De, amikor Jazz legyzi Devant, a teknsbkt, egy rdg-szer teremtmnny alakul t, s hsnknek meg kell vele kzdenie, megint....persze a vg nagyon j, de nem fogom elmondani neked, hogy mi trtnik. :)
1999-ben, a msodik jtkhoz kiadtak egy tovbbi ultrakemny s ultrahossz epizdot, eredeti nevn a Secret Levels -et. Megjelenik benne a harmadik karakter, egy srga nyl, Lori. Jazz s Spaz nvre.
Eredeti nyelven:
The planet Carrotus is in danger because the evil turtle Devan Shell terrorizes bunnies and captures Eva Earlong, their princess. Her boyfriend, Jazz, changes from a regular green bunny to a superhero, wearing a red hairband, a backpack and carrying a big gun. He must save the princess, but before that, he needs to pass 36 levels filled with various enemies before he finally blows up the twin battleships. And, as if that wasn't enough, he battles with a giant rabbit in the end.
Jazz is 3'1'' tall, he weights 90 Lbs, his favorite food is Carrot Pizza and favorite book "Watership Down". And his motto is "When you're a little rabbit, carry a big gun".
The game was published in 1994 by Epic Megagames and the authors are Arjan Brussee (programming), Clif Bleszinski (design) and Nick Stadler (characters and animation).
In 1998, the second, more improved version of Jazz was published. The scenery is 3d and even more beautiful, there are no bonus levels, there is no timing and those secret passes are more rare. And Jazz is not alone, he's together with his silly brother, a red rabbit named Spaz, who's a space cadet and kinda weird. Well, just for the record, Spaz makes some weird sounds instead of speaking and he eats birds. Anyway, in this story, Jazz has been put into a dungeon for not having been able to stop Devan Shell from stealing Eva's precious diamond at the wedding. He needs to escape from the dungeon and beat the queen and then, yet again, he's searching planets to find Devan in the damn. But, when Jazz beats Devan, the turtle will turn into a devil and he'll have to beat him again...of course, the end is very nice, but I am not going to tell you what happens:)
In 1999, the second game was re-published with an additional ultra-hard and ultra-long episode named Secret Levels. There's the third character, a yellow rabbit named Lori. She's a sister of Jazz and Spaz.
Sajt fordts, elnzst a hibkrt!